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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Hey guys thanks a lot. I don't wanna try to take away from this amazing build of Chris's so I don't want to say to much but thanks y'all. Lol who am I kidding the only way I could still his thunder is if I had a Danika Patrick holding my car...even then his would still look far better haha. Great job Chris.

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Danno... thank you sir. you know I am on a mission to finish it this year...haha Hopefully by the Desert Scale Classic but if it isn't finished by then I will hope to be done with it by early summer. I think both are reasonable goals. I feel I am making some good progress on it now. I just hope I can continue like I am but I am challenging myself to try and work on it a little each day. Some days or weekends I will get a lot of bench time in on it.

Dave... Thank you so much. You are right about fixing it now, which is what I worked on tonight. I wanted it done so I can move on to the next part of this build....lol

Mike... It was good talking with you tonight.

Dave... looking forward to chatting with ya at the Desert Scale Classic.

Tim... You wouldn't of taken away from this build at all. I am really glad that you did post pics here and I wouldn't of minded if you wanted to say more about your build. Its all about sharing our builds with one another here.

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So tonight I decided to fix the issue with the tin work from yesterday that I ran into. I will explain what I did thru the pics.... thanks for looking...

I first started out by taking my Xacto Knife and scribing both side of the tin work. now I didn't go completely thru because i wanted to still be able to make it flex so to speak so I could move it into position to re-glue it:


Next I did the same thing on the firewall where I originally scribed and bent the plastic then glued a supporting strip there. So I took the Xacto Knife and scribed away until it became flexible enough that I could straighten it out. when It was put into the position I wanted I re-glued another support strip to it. I was using .025 Evergreen Rod:


I did the same thing for the Dash since I needed to change the angle of where it originally was at:


Next I placed the tin work back into the body and then I pinned it with some pins where i wanted it so I could add some stops on the underside of the body:


I laid some ,040 x .040 Styrene where the tin work would sit up against it:


Upclose shot:


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Here is a shot looking into the interior, Now the dash doesn't have such a big angle like it did before on the fire wall portion of it:


Here is the space I now have after making the adjustments to the tin work:




Here it is from the other side:




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After completing the fix on the tin work, I jumped over to fix a fitment issue from Revell with the front bumper and body. The part of the bumper needs to be filled in as well adding material to the fender (Right Side):


Left Side:


The Car (hopefully you can see right behind the bumper on the fender. Don't mind the arrow pointing to the body hold down latch (and yes I will be making this for the car and it will be spring loaded and will work ;) ):


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Great fix Chris. I also appreciate your documentation on how you did it.

On another note, I noticed the black fill panel over the side window areas could use some adjustment. The angle of the front slope should parallel the roll cage on the interior as well as the slope of the decals on the body when they're applied. Its very slight but if its a different angle, it will really stand out once the body is painted with the decals applied.

Awesome update and looking forward to the next installment.

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Bob... thank you so much. You know I didnt evern think of model train stuff. I will hit up a local train store that has all kinds of goodies. I really appreciate the suggestion because I have been racking my brain on where to get small springs and model train couplers will have the perfect size I am looking for.

Brad... thank you sir and you are welcome with the documentation. I really enjoy sharing my work with every one and trying to show my step by step process. I dis notice that the plate and roll cage werw at a different anfle bit really sidnt think about changing the angle. Thianis a fix i will definitely take care of and appreciate you noticing it and keeoing me on my toes.

Danno... thank you my friend.

Henry... thank you. I am much happier with it now.

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Much better clearance for the firewall Mr. Sobak. That's where I ran into trouble AND in the hood opening. I had to enlarge it to accomodate the fuel lines. You're making great progress and it looks like a good solid build all around, nothing that you won't be afraid to handle.

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After getting myself caught up (which took the better part of my morning) I have to say HELL OF A JOB WELL DONE SIR! It's commimg along really nice Chris and its inspiring me to get back to work on my current project. Keep up the outstanding work Bro. B)

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Anthony.... Thank you for the very kind words.

Mike... Thanks Brother!!

Michael... Thank you. It is getting closer to the finish line but I still have a little ways to go ;) ...lol

Bob... Thank you. You are welcome for the step by step process, its the way I enjoy sharing my builds with everyone so you can see how I did it. And if just one person has taken away something from it just as I have from many other builds on this forum it will make me happy.

Joe... Thank you sir. Its been a fun build and at times I feel a little burnt being on the same build for almost 3 years now. I know I am ready for another build but before I start it I will finish this one...lol

John... Thanks Brother. I appreciate all of your support.

Dave... Thank you

Mark... Thank you. This is the best work I feel I have done so far with any model. Just hope the rest of it turns out ok.

Dave... Thank you my friend. I am much happier that I took the time to fix the firewall clearance issue now. I am hoping to basically finish up all of the body work stuff so I can get the body in primer but I won't actually paint it until I get the engine fuel lines installed so that I can verify that I don't have any clearance issues with it. I would like to say that I am close but will be a few more weeks only I hope to be able to start some more details on the engine.

Alan... Thank you Sir.

Rom.... Hey Brother!! Its great to see you back here man. Sure have missed you around here and your awesome builds. Thank you for taking the time to catch up on this build. Are you going to be coming out for the Desert Scale Classic this year?? Would be great to see you again. I am super stoked to see that you are back on your 1/16th pro mod build. I have been itching for an update for a while now.

Steve... Thank you

Art... Thanks Brother!

Charlie.... Thank you. I have to agree that there is the beginning of light at this point although I would like to see a bigger flame at the moment or for it to be brighter. I can't wait because I am really close to putting some of your great parts to work on this build real soon.

I know that I have been away from the workbench for a few days seems like I haven't gotten a chance to work on it since last thursday but I will be at the bench tonight when I get off work and hoping to have a little update later this evening for everyone. thank you all for continuing to follow along on this long journey...

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