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Chris.........absolutley stunnig !!!!!!.........best Funny Car ever.,The "Snake" may go to the bathroom in his pants when he takes a gander at this build...........nice talking to you tonight Little Brother.......can`t wait to hang out with you at DSC 2015 :)


Hi Chris,

Oh man this is really coming together !!!!!!! Those tranny pics are just out of this world :wub: :wub:

The blanket looks great and I think with the decal it will look spot on !!

Keep it going !!!!



Ray... Thank you very much. I was shooting to get it as close as I could. I know it could still be better though.

Scott... Thank you so much my brother. Its nice to finally get some of your's and Charlies parts on this car.

Dave.... Thank you. I am happy with the way it turned out.

Art... What can I say brother but thank you. Looking forward to seeing you at the DSC.

John... Thanks my Big Brother. It means a lot saying that about the funny car. I do have to admit it would be totally cool if I was able to meet the "Snake" and show him this build. IT was great talking to you as well. Looking forward to hanging out in a few weeks.

Steve... Thank you. I really appreciate the kind words.

Dave... Thank you. I feel that I hit a small milestone getting it assembled.

Randy... Thank you very much. I wish I had better camera skills to make the pics look better...lol. Yeah I got to admit that now I can't wait to see what the tranny will look like with the added decals. I know it will just give it that extra touch.

Alright after taking a look at Tims most recent post on his Henry J... It has me motivated to get some work done on my own build....lol


Brad.... that is no joke that time is running out. I sat down at the bench last night probably around 8:30 and stared at my build last night. I couldnt get into it since I was wiped out from work. I wqs looking at some of those body mount supports we talked about at the swapmeet I need to fix. Tonight my plan is to stsrt working on those, the body tins and get back on the body work.

Posted (edited)

Alright Fellas...just a quick update. I wanted to let you know that I got a little bench time in last night and was sanding on the body working on the rear panel. I didnt get any pics of it cause there wasnt much to show at this point. I am going to add some body filler to the rear panel when I get home from work. I Also need to redo a couple of the body mount bracket tabs on the inside of the body that I had busted from handling at some point. I will shoot pics of the ones that were broken to show what I am trying to explain. Anyway I am looking forward some bemch time later. Jumping back to the body has been a nice change of pace from the engine and tranny. I am looking forward to working on more of it and am excited that I will have the body in primer soon.

Edited by Mooneyzs

Alright Fellas... Little update to share with you this evening. I didn't get to get as much done as I was planning on tonight but you will see why when You get to a couple of pics. Anyway I will show you some of the tabs I need to replace for the body mount structure. I also had one of the guys turn a couple updated bottles for me for the fire suppression system, I am much happier with this one than the first for this car. Aright I will stop talking and show some pics....

Here is one of the body mount tabs for the rear pivot bracing that I need to replace both tabs on this one as you can see they are no good. I some how broke them handling the body since they were quite thin. So I will beef them up just a tad when I fix them:


Here is one of the body mount tabs on the front portion of the body that I need to replace as well:


Here are the turned Aluminum bottles that I have had one of my machinist at work turn for me the two on the left were ones he did a while back for me and the one on the right is the updated bottle that he made today:


Here is another shot of the bottle with the 3D printed brackets. I am actually thinking about asking the guys at work if they can turn these for me in aluminum, just curious if they could be done:



Alright so here is what my plan tonight was, I was going to to do some body work since last night I was sanding most of the rear body panel. After sanding some of the plastic I added to fix certain areas I needed to go back and add some body filler. Well I go to mix up this body filler to find out that it had gone bad on me. So I need to pic some more up. I had some Bondo brand in the tube but I wanted to used this better stuff since it is a little finer and sands a little nicer, Although this suff is about 40 bucks a quart, but well worth it in my opinion:


I think that you guys know that I like to mock stuff up and take pics to see how it looks together. here is a shot of the fire bottle along with the chassis and stuff so I can get a taste of what it is going to look like installed:


Here is a top down view:


Then I had to set the body tins on it just to check it out:


Posted (edited)

Just a heads up Chris. Every time you sneak into Prudhomme's shop and take pics of his Top Secret in progress cars, you increase the risk of getting caught! :o

I wanted to wait until I met you to tell you this, but this car redefines the parameters of how to super detail a basic kit. Anybody attempting to match you better be in for the long haul.

You rock.

Edited by Nitrozilla
Posted (edited)

I worked in body shops for 33 yrs.

Evercoat is good product.

I think that if you'll stir up the contents of the can the liquids will re-integrate into the material & be usable.

When not in use, store the can tightly capped & upside down. :)

BTW, great work!!

Edited by Ognib
Posted (edited)

Joe... shhh don't say anytbing but I snuck out one of Mr. Teresi's Minions and sent him into Prudhimme's shop sonI wouldnt get caught...lol Thank you for the kind words on the detail of this build. You know I have beem trying to do my best on this build.

Ray... thank you very much. I have been a big fan of the evwrcoar fillers. Much better than the bondo brand In my opinion.

I did try to stir it up but it was really hars and not creamy. This was a can I have had for quite some time. I will get a new can today so I can continue on with the body work...lol. i will make sure to store the new can upside down.

Mike... thank you very much. i am really happy with it. This new bottle is much better and I may actually paint it this weekend. I will get some primer on it today.

Edited by Mooneyzs

I've been watching but rarely comment.

I can not agree more that this is a wonderful "set of directions" to beautifully detail and upgrade a kit.

I've seen numerous builds that were built like skilled builders. Many of those are wonderful models, yours is a wonderful replica.

I am very impressed with the under body detail. That area is normally ignored on even the best builds.


Great update lil' brother. That new fire bottle looks spot on compared to the other ones and that pic with the tins in place and the tranny blanket peeking through is a beauty. One thing I'd like to point out and maybe you're all over it, is that alot of the builds I see have the steering wheel too close to the seat so if you were a miniature driver, the thing would be too close to your chest and be completely uncomfortable.

Rock on lil' brother. Keep those updates coming.


Mike... thank you. I really appreciate the kind words. youknow I had never really seen anyone do the underbody structor/supports before and I wanted to see if I could accomplish it. They arent 100% correct but I am very happy with them At this point.

Brad... what can I say my big brother but thank you. This new fire bottle is much better for sure and it will look even better once there is some red paint on it ;). On that steering shaft the length isnt set yet I just used that piece for mock up purposes. the actualy steering handle will be sitting outside of the cage.


Hey Chris. I haven't checked in on this in quite some time, but I'm up to date on it now! Exceptional work as always sir. I have to agree on the bottles, the newest version is definitely the one to go with in my opinion. That's the only thing I've sort of questioned so far ( if I may be so bold lol) But this newest one looks spot on to me! Keep it going man, All the hard work will pay off soon and I can't wait to see it!


Your mockup shots are great, Chris. This is going to be such an accurate looking build when it's finished that a casual viewer won't be able to tell the difference between the 1:1 and what Mike referred to as your replica of it. I totally agree with his description. And your new fire bottle looks tons more accurate than the original two. Amazing what that bit of difference in shape does to the overall accuracy of its appearance.


Joe... shhh don't say anytbing but I snuck out one of Mr. Teresi's Minions and sent him into Prudhimme's shop sonI wouldnt get caught...lol Thank you for the kind words on the detail of this build. You know I have beem trying to do my best on this build.

I've heard John has an entire family of Minion's.


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