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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Bob... Thank you. It's definitely not the time for the A/C to take a dump...lol. wqs hoping the A/C guy would of made it out yesterday but didn't. Looks like I need to make another call today to him. I know he is slammed.

Brad... I never thought when I started this build thatt it would end up being over 200 pages...lol I sure hope it won't take a other 100 to finish because I am itching to start a few new projects. I will be honest, I have been half tempted to start them but keep telling myself that I need to finish this funny car before I move on to.anything else. Once it's done I swear I am going to go hog wild and start like 6 builds... lol

Mike... Thank you so much. It's been fun adding these little extra details. Now that I am seeing more of it come together, it's making me want to get it done so I can see more of it together. Looking forward to catching up with you. I will be home after work sweating my butt off... haha

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Tim... thank you my friend. I feel I am only a hack when it comes to weathering and I still have alot to learn with it. Up next  I am hoping to get the hose clamps done up for the fuel line and get my ignition mount bracket glued up to the chassis for the Malloy igniton box. I do have one other thing that I want to be of a little surprise. I have a minor thing to do first but with that I will show a teaser pic. Hoping to get to the bench tonight and if I am lucky I will be able to have some pics to post.

Dave W... thank you. I am really happy with how the decals turned out with the weathering. I have no clue how many pages this will be at when it done. I would prefer sooner than later...lol

Dave R.... thank you very much. I think they turned out better than I expected but my weathering needs some work.

Mike... thank you, I didn't make the decals but my friend Brad Norgaard aka Gasser 59 here on the boards did the art work for me from pictures I sent him of the decals on the real part. He did one heck of a job on them for me

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Alright Fellas... It's time for another quick update. I did more work on the Main fuel line last night and tonight, So now I think it's pretty much done at this point. And I have to say that I am pretty happy with how it's turned out.  It's not perfect but good enough at this point.

So here is a bunch of parts that I started with. I used a Photo-etch set of a hose clamp from Performance Detail Products which I found at a local swap meet and I added some tubing from Albion Alloy, hex bot from Scale Hardware and a part of a Dzus fastener from Replicas and Miniatures, as well as some parts of RB Motion Fittings:


I first got the Hose clamp material glued in place and wrapped around my fuel line. and then proceeded to build the screw mechanism with the other components:


Placed the RB Motion fittings on the line for a visual:


Next I got the fittings painted up with some Tamiya Clear Blue:


After the paint was dry on the fittings I had to mock it up in the chassis to see how it looked:


Here it is from the opposite side and I was trying to make the hose clamp look like the real thing with the extra material hanging out past the screw mechanism:

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Brad... Thank you so much my Friend. I am stoked to have this little item off my plate and I am just trying to find things in my aftermarket box that will work for certain items and as you see I had to use my noggin and piece some things together for what I wanted to achieve.... lol

Bob... Thank you

Danno... Thank you. I think you will  be more amazed when it is finally finished.... will it be next year??? That is the question :PB):lol:

Ray... Thank you sir!!

Joe... Thank you. I was trying to figure out how I was going to replicate them. They aren't perfect but close enough for me.


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Scott... Thank you Very much. I have been doing the Clear Red and Clear Blue for my fittings ever since I could remember. I know its not exactly like the Anodize colors but its darn close.

Randy.... Thanks My friend. I was pretty stoked on how they came out, Although they probably could of been better but good enough for me :D

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Alright Fellas... It's time again for a real quick update. It's not much but I can finally say that the Mallory Ignition box is completed. I ended up making a gasket from a 3x5 card, painted it up. As well as getting a chassis mount bracket made up and glued to the chassis. So this can be checked off the list. I am going to apologize in advance because my little point and shoot camera didn't quit focus on where I wanted to, so the pictures are kind of sucky and I should of used my other camera. Glad to have this checked off my list and I can move onto the next item now.

Here is the Mallory Ignition box with the gasket in place as well as being mocked up on the chassis:


Here is another angle where you can see the gasket and part of the mounting bracket with the bolts holding it in place:


Here is the Chassis mount tab that I had to fab and add to the chassis, This is something that I wished I would of known about way back when prior to painting the chassis. would of been much easier back then but its ok because I will know for next time now...lol. I have used 2 .5mm threaded bolt and nuts holding the ignition box in place. I will have to unscrew the nut and take this off so I can clean the chassis up from all of the handling its had to get finger prints and smudges off prior to when I start the final assembly:


Here is another angle trying to show the other bolts that the ignition box has holding it to the mount bracket which is then bolted up to the chassis mount tab:

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Scott... thank you my friend.

Brad...  thank you very much. I was thinking that the wires needed to be dirtied up a tad. Was thinking I would add a wash to them after I get them installed since I will be handling them and that way I don't rub it off.

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