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Posted (edited)

Got my diecast '94 GT Ragtop in from eBay today (I'll try and shoot/posta pic later). It's in NIB condition,but man those things were a bit...not well assembled,LOL! I may yet go ahead and pull it's wheels for the replica I want to build of my 1:1...then again,I may not,may find another one that isn't the same color as my real one,LOL! I WILL get one started this weekend (barring major unforseens) :)

Edit: Here's pics :D



Edited by Olskoolrodder

They are definitely a toy, and not a model, but those wheels are pretty close. As has been suggested, you might try casting them yourself - small parts like these are pretty easy to do in resin.



I'm finally getting to the bench and getting a couple started (Both Monogram 1:25 kits). I gots the '94 Cobra/Indy Pace Car ragtop and GT hardtop kits,and I'm converting them to a GT ragtop (like my 1:1) and a Cobra hardtop. The most noticable differences are the bumpers,wheels,and certain engine bits,so I've been doing a bit of bodywork today. So far,I've only got the front bumpers swapped and fender emblems sanded off. Here's some pics...

Before and after...



IMG_3365.jpgI'll try and get the rear bumpers swapped today too,kids permitting,LOL!IMG_3349.jpg


Looking good so far Stephen. Your cuts are more clean and precise than mine are! Keep at it, and keep us posted. I know the convertible will be red, but how about the Cobra Coupe?


Thanks my friend,and as for color on the HT...don't know yet,LOL! The fronts were a bit easier to cut precisely than the rears. I have one grafted on,but it will still need a bit of puty and file work. After and Before pics:





Yeah, your cuts are still better than mine! I am in the process of kitbashing/scratchbuilding an 84 Mustang T-Top Coupe at the moment, and my cuts aren't that clean!


Nah, it aint that pretty.............yet. Besides, I'll post her down in the FOX thread with the 5 other 1/24th FOX variants I have going now.


LOL,it'll get there! I'll be looking for it :D

Got the rear of the HT grafted on. Needs some filler,then putty and file work yet,but it's on there,LOL! More to come,thanks for looing :)






Looks like the 'Humptey-Dumpteys' are coming back together again in fine fashion, Stephen. I will keep one eye on this thread when I can spare it just to see what you and your counterparts cook up.


Thanks,my friend! :) Now if I can just get the 1:1 to be so easy...it's STILL in the shop to get the new clutch and .373 installed (they got it last Monday,I had it back Wed. eve and Thursday,had to take it back)...sigh :wacko::(


Looks like this ones off to a great start. Nice conversions.

I've been on a casting spree filling orders, so nothing done to my Stang yet. Not too sure how wild I'll go, but it'll definately have a unique drivetrain...I cannot build an engineless curbside :lol:


Looks like I need to get my WIP backlog cleared up so I can pull out the SN-95s and FOXs I've got in the stash...plus a couple of other Mustangs, like a 2006 and 1965!

Posted (edited)

Yeah,get em going! :D

I haven't done anything more to mine since last post...been going round n round with the shop that butchered my 1:1 and the parts store that sold me bad parts (but won't honor the extra labor I have to pay because of their bad parts) all week...sigh. :wacko: HOPE to get some done this week coming though (no work tomorrow probably,wife's birthday :P )

Edited by Olskoolrodder
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Lets try it again,LMBO! SHOULD have the house to myself most of tomorrow,gunna try and actually get some benchtime in (finger's crossed) LOL :P

Edited by Olskoolrodder

Sigh....do you really want me to answer? :( I did get a bit done despite not having the day like I thought,got some more smoothing and body prep done. Nothing worth shooting for pics,but I'ma gunna try some more today (Shhhhhhh!!! Don't speak it out loud,it'll jinx it,LMBO :lol::P )


It must still be affecting me,LOL,no sit-at-the-bench time yet,sigh. I could potentially tomorrow,but meeting an old friend 2+ hours away to mtn bike for a few hours,been a while,and it will be a while before next chance :lol::rolleyes::P


These, and the ever-interfering work schedule, are the reason it takes ME so long to build anything. I would rather enjoy the time outside while I can, before winters Icy chill sentences me to a prison stay of doldrums locked in the house. Sadly, I don't have too many friends here in Ohio, so that isn't too much of a distraction (except for when the ones I do want to go yank a motor from a salvage yard or go shooting...sometimes both in the same day,I AM IN!). I was in Toledo yesterday for the NNL/Toy Show, so while no building was done, I did gather some more stash materials!

Whenever more is done, you have a place to show it (and people looking out for it!).

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