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What's my weakness? Large breasted Redheads in Stelettos. :D But seriously it's painting with rattle cans. sometime's I can get it right, and other times it just goes all wrong, and I have to strip it down and start over.


Getting the finished sub-assemblys, ie. interior, chassis and body to mate with each other often threatens to defeat me.

Decals. I try to avoid them.

Polishing out black or dark paint jobs.

PS. That the Dr. and John Teresi say they don't know much about engines is VERY encouraging.

Posted (edited)

Mine is definitely patience. I've been wanting try so many new things on my model kits, but just have had no patience to sit and try something. I know I COULD scratchbuild something if I actually sit down and try. I'm hoping that by watching more how-to videos and reading more tutorials, I will be more motivated to try things and let a good result make it easier to be patient.

And Dr. Cranky, it's actually an inspiration to hear your weaknesses because I've been following some of your weathering-oriented builds lately and that is going to be my next venture. Yours always look absolutely amazing!

Edited by AceofBass

I would have to start with just finishing a project before I start another.

And....While I mock up to excess, I still miss on the planning for parts fitting inside the body confines. Compound that by falling down the rabbit hole of detail and that equals not finishing a model in at least two years.

After that, I have to go with paint. I have yet to really lay down a killer paint job. I don't have a great eye for color graphics.


Although I have overcome many of the usual problems builders face, I still need to improve a bit more in some areas. I can do a pretty good paint job but I need a bit more patience and not lay so much paint down. It occasionally goes south on me.

And I really have problems getting my seams straight while I am sewing scale upholstery!!!(kidding on that last one!) :lol:


My Achilles heel? PAINt. Glossy finishes are a lot harder to get right, than flat finishes. I'm getting better with practice tho. Today, I've decided to ditch the rattle cans and stick with my airbrush. The airbrush makes it much easier to put down a light, smooth coat of paint.

Prepping the body so it looks good seems to take me too many fill-sand-prime iterations.

My worst vice is just giving up on a project when something goes seriously wrong, or I just get to a spot that seems too hard to finish.


My Achilles heel? PAINt. Glossy finishes are a lot harder to get right, than flat finishes. I'm getting better with practice tho. Today, I've decided to ditch the rattle cans and stick with my airbrush. The airbrush makes it much easier to put down a light, smooth coat of paint.

The AB is one of the most amazing tools!


My Achilles heel is whatever I'm working on at the time.

My ambitions frequently exceed my skills and by the time my skills catch up, my ambitions have out-paced them again. The cycle never seems to end!

David G.


Hello Matthew,

I'm just trying to picture this. Are you actually building models in your truck, when you are on travels?

Sorry for not answering sooner, I haven't been on in a day and a half, but yes, I actually took models with me on the road to work on in the truck. Now of course, I wasn't working on them while driving, I'm crazy but not stupid! :lol: I would pack up the kits supplies and when I had the spare time, I would work on the desk that was part of one of the sleeper's cabinets and work on one of the little trucks.


My achilles heel is my modelling ADD. Unless I'm totally inspired and absorbed with the work, it will eventually end up back in the box while I start something new that DOES inspire me.


I don't have Achilles's heel, I just have the two that I was born with. :lol: :lol: Just kiddin. Something like I said in the other thread. My weaknesses are my strengths and my strengths are my weaknesses. I have learned a whole bunch of stuff here and in the two clubs that I belong to and I'm still learning. In all on my 64 and a half years and the last 40 some years of building, I just in the last month have entered a contest other than the local club contest and won 5 plaques. Two thirds, two seconds and one first. Just goes to show you that you can teach an old dog new tricks after all. Posting pics is another thing that I am lacking in doing when I am working on something. Just ask Chris (Zipper). :D;):) OK, I'll stop now, and thanks to everyone who has helped me in the past, weather you know it or not. Dan


I'd have to go with attention span. I have a lot of interests and they shift frequently. I simply can not sit down and build something once the mood passes so I end up with a lot of incomplete models that sit waiting for the mood to return.

I think overall I'm a pretty well rounded builder, lots ( LOTS ) of room to improve but nothing really jumps out at me as a particular weakness.


Windshields. I make most of mine flush-fit, which means it has to be trimmed to drop in the window opening with a .005 fit all way 'round, and then a ledge has to built about .030 wide all way around the back/inside of the opening; recessed 'in' the same thickness as the glass.....I usually ruin 2 or 3 windshields before I'm successfull; and sometimes the windshield curveature must be bent to match the body (but..THAT'S another story).....'Z'


My weakspot, other than between my ears.... Color coordination and selection... and about one in three paintjobs... I can think up a beautiful two-tone paintscheme, pick the colors and end up with the ugliest color combo ever inflicted on the automotive modeling world... Many a body has gone for a swim in brake fluid because the colors were nauseatingly UGLY... As for the paintjob ratio, sometimes my paintjobs just FAIL... The paint falls off, wrinkles up, fisheyes, or something. One day, I can throw an award-winning, smooth-as-glass paintjob and other days, I walk away from the paintbooth contemplating taking up needlepoint...lol!


Sorry for not answering sooner, I haven't been on in a day and a half, but yes, I actually took models with me on the road to work on in the truck. Now of course, I wasn't working on them while driving, I'm crazy but not stupid! :lol: I would pack up the kits supplies and when I had the spare time, I would work on the desk that was part of one of the sleeper's cabinets and work on one of the little trucks.

That's almost worth a 'where do you build your models?' thread. I know a guy who has a travelling occupation and builds kits in hotel rooms. A late friend of mine worked for the railway and built models while on duty in the signal box. But in the sleeper of a truck? I'm amazed. Honestly amazed.


Mine would have to be patience and paint jobs, and finishing a project... :(

I get going on a project, and when it comes to painting, I ###### out, especially now that I don't have a dedicated paint area any more.

I haven't finished anything in almost two years. Serious modelers block. Its frustrating ;)


My weakness ......I can`t seem to take my time......I get so into the build that I just keep going and going......I just want to get it done so I can start the next one........and my lack of knowledge when it comes to car engines.......I really don`t know that much about them......but,I can pretty much copy a picture of an engine if I have good photo`s.......I probably could read book`s and learn about engines but,again I guess it`s not that important to me.

Well John you fooled me I thought you knew alot about engines etc. can`t tell from your builds they look so real. I hate BMF I love wiring motors but don`t know much about them. I would love to learn more about wiring the Pro Mods,rails and funny cars. My paint jobs are not bad but need some improvement. I hate body work don`t know how to lay down the putty and sand to look right so you won`t see no customs coming from my man cave thats for sure. I been building for over 40 years now and still have lots to learn.


My weak spot is high gloss finishes. I can lay down a camo paint scheme, free hand with an airbrush. But I can't get a high quality gloss finish. I follow the guidance of others but I inevitably burn thru. Then because I fear burning thru, I often don't even attempt to sand or polish. And this keeps me out of the car world more than I'd like and doing military and airplanes because the finishes are flat and weathering is good good fun. I would advise anyone to venture out into other types of modeling as you will likely learn some new skills. I've completed a 1/32 F-14, a 1/16 Russian T34, many 1/48 tanks and airplanes/jets of different eras, a USS Constitution (that may get finished one day), Formula 1 models in 1/12 and 1/20 of all eras. Right now, my obsession is drag cars. Another weakness is - I know nothing about engines. I can't even check the oil in my car. So trying to wire everything in an engine proves difficult. But I try to anyway. :/

And I'm happy to see I'm not the only modeler who struggles to finish a model. About 80% thru a project I start to fancy my next project. I have a dozen or more great looking, more than half done projects that I will eventually get back to one day. Maybe. And part of the problem is I've come to feel like I have to have every single aftermarket product that is available for a kit. I blame all you professionals out there for making me dream too highly. :)

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