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Lets do a 1964 1/2-1973 Mustang CBP to go with the others!


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Hey Stephen.... seeing as how we're all mostly suffering the "Can't paint it in this weather" blues.... how about some pics of some of the ones we've already built? I know they're not CBP projects..... but it may help us keep our Mustang fix alive over the winter.

Same questions to Johnathan (martinfan) and Brad ("The fox").


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I don't think I explained clearly what I meant?

I'm suggesting each of the Mustang CBP's could include past builds of our Mustang models in it's own particular era forum thread. (Not just work in progress builds)

Or would that be against the intent of the CBP forum threads?


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Only slightly off-topic, but I thought this was kind of cool- a 1965 Mustang with a Ferguson four wheel drive conversion!


Seems like it would be a relatively easy conversion to replicate, and it would make quite a few people scratch their heads. B)

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Jonathan: Pretty sure it's prime with body color overspray.

Tony: IDK...what does everyone else think? Post a bunch of built-earlier correct year Mustangs?

I have a couple of builds that haven't been posted on this forum so I'm up for it

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Sweet! I had one of those before the fire-hadn't started it yet,but i'll get around to getting another sooner or later. Speaking of Bullitts,as I'm in the final stretch of sub-assemblies and final assembly after that on the '08 Bullitt,I'll be cracking the box on the for-Nick '70 BOSS really soon and getting going on it. It's gunna be pretty much a box-art build,he digs the red and those modern Bullitt-looking wheels on it. Won't be too awful much extra detailing on this one (probly won't even BMF the trim,just chrome-silver paint it),as he's apt to want to "play" with it,LOL!

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The bullitt came to day, already started working on it :D

Here is the 69, all I need to do is clear coat it


Here is the bullitt


And I did it again today, starting to paint it without doing the black base coat, so I am striping it right now

Edit- getting the engine done on the 69 KR ,


Edited by martinfan5
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I recently stumbled on your website while searching for Mustang WIPs. I read through the 2005 - 2010 build thread and enjoyed it thoroughly. I think I have two kits that meet the criteria for that build but since I haven't built one of those yet I'm hesitant to join. This one however I'm fully versed in having owned several of the early 60's cars and have built several years and years ago. Just recently I found myself drawn to building cars again and just can't get enough of the Mustangs. If its ok I'd like to join your build.

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Well seeing how I got the green flag to join this CBP here I go. This is just my second car build (second Mustang) so be easy. I'm going to be going for the KR-8 Super Stock Eliminator version.











The build will start shortly. I just have a couple loose ends on my bench I need to finish up.

thanks for taking the time to look at my work.

Edited by Dirkpitt289
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