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1956 Chevrolet Bel Air


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This is super shiny, I also wanted to build 56 Bel Air but seeing how bad detail it had I chose Del Ray kit which was awesome but unfortunately car itself(trims, roof line) is not that good looking. You managed to make it beautiful!

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Thanks folks, I really love the results Tamiya paint gives. About the humidity, well, I live in Florianópolis, that's an island. Humidity here is not low, buta also not that high. I only had problem when tried to spray Tamiya paint on a very cold and rainy day, other than that, I naver had any trouble.

maybe the primer can be the issue here, I use no pimer, just spray the paint on bare plastic.

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Great to see Older Monogram kits built too, usually people just build the most recent release of (for example '56 Chevy). It's pretty much the same as Monogram's '57 Chevy so I can tell you that you did amazing job with this and you managed to make it look like real car. Good Job all over, especially the paintjob turned out very shiny and smooth.

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Great to see Older Monogram kits built too, usually people just build the most recent release of (for example '56 Chevy). It's pretty much the same as Monogram's '57 Chevy so I can tell you that you did amazing job with this and you managed to make it look like real car. Good Job all over, especially the paintjob turned out very shiny and smooth.

This is super shiny, I also wanted to build 56 Bel Air but seeing how bad detail it had I chose Del Ray kit which was awesome but unfortunately car itself(trims, roof line) is not that good looking. You managed to make it beautiful!

I have the '56 Chevy from Revell, it's a good kit, but that's a pillared Del Ray Chevy, and I wanted a hardtop to stand aside with my old AMT '57 Chevy hardtop. I also don't like the Revell's kit separate trim because I think it gives the model a toy-ish appearence.

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