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hey guys here is my latest. its a 49 merc custom, i re-chopped the top, added peaks to the fenders that continue into the door lines, added body lines around the rear wheel openings and lowered it. i had some trouble with the paint again, i cant get candies right so far. otherwise it is definately my favorite build so far, enjoy.






the top is too low to get pics of inside and i forgot to before i fit it together.


The key to candies is the base coat. Red/Orange should go over a gold base and blues/greens over silver. Also they are much thinner than other paints because they are designed to replect the base coat. Are you using primer? It looks like you are spraying over the white plastic?


no i used primer then a tamiya racing white then the candy, the tamiya white ended up looking like the plastic did before i primed it.


thanks! ill try that out on the next candy one. im doing a hemi dart then i have a firebird that im planning to do in candy so well see.

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