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Acid Bubble


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I have had this kind of painting theme in my mind for a while. I thought that it would fit quite well to a beetle. Also I'm building VW's quite a lot. I chose Gunze Sangyos oval window beetle, because it's curbside. I didn't want to focus on engine. So I tried to create something quite psychedelic, but still realistic. At interior I had somekind of show car in my mind. Once again, I opened the roof and scratch built the sun roof.

The whole painting is painted freehand with brush. I used 1-Shot enamels and Alan Johnson brush. I also added some details, such as that eye ball to antenna and that mushroom gear shift knob. Please see also those exhaust pipes :)

Wheels are classic BRM. Those are from Japan, and are made out of aluminium.





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Welcome to the forum, and thank you for sharing your amazing eye candy with us. Looking forward to more.

Thank you. I have been at this forum for some years, but I'm not posting too much :) I have about 6-7 models at this under glass-section. You can also see all my models from my web site, link below.

Edited by Eero
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Hand painted? Well, that surely sets you out from the crowd. That is fantastic work. Welcome to the forum.

I agree, painting by hand is truly an art and your work is phenomenal. A definite mush-see! :P

In a more serious vein, our new friend Eero also did this one, which I thought was impressive.


(Go to his link to see more pics of this - great work!)

Eero, can you explain the orange at the leading edge of the vent windows?

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