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distributor kits?

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hi all i have just got myself a few of these distributor kits...


and i was wondering weather anyone on here would be able to help, advise or anything on how is the best way to put this together... as in what glue and stuff. or if anyone has any step by step guides for doing this i would be truely thankfull...

thanks stu :)

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I put 1 of these together a long time ago, I used super glue CA on the wires after passing them through the top plate, then used epoxy to assemble the top plate to the lower "barrel". there may be other ways to do this, but it got the job done and is still on that model to this day.

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Yes but some of us like more detail than 8 wires pushed into a piece of aluminum. Every distributor I have ever seen, touched, fixed does not look like what some offer in the aftermarket.

Please take moment to check these out. Each wire has its own hole and, each cap has the detail of the real thing. We also have color choices for both the cap and, wire to please anyone. www.madmodeling.com

Edited by Kris Morgan
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hi all i have just got myself a few of these distributor kits...


and i was wondering weather anyone on here would be able to help, advise or anything on how is the best way to put this together... as in what glue and stuff. or if anyone has any step by step guides for doing this i would be truely thankfull...

thanks stu :)

if you are going to use that distributor, I would like to make one suggestion...

In the directions, they tell you to cut your wire into 8 2inch lengths, but it will make your life a lot easier if you cut it into 4 4inch long pieces, fold in half and then slide the wire through 2 holes on the "cap". This way you do not have to glue each individual wire into the "cap" and they hold better.

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if you are going to use that distributor, I would like to make one suggestion...

In the directions, they tell you to cut your wire into 8 2inch lengths, but it will make your life a lot easier if you cut it into 4 4inch long pieces, fold in half and then slide the wire through 2 holes on the "cap". This way you do not have to glue each individual wire into the "cap" and they hold better.

Thanks buddy... i did think of that one but i havent acted on it yet lol... i just wanted some advice first :)

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