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Posted (edited)

:lol: :lol: Wow! You really just can't help yourself can you Pat? :lol: :lol: Know what buddy? You just go right on with your bad self. I've wasted enough build time on you. Congratulations on making my ignore list. You are the weakest link...goodbye!

Edited by MAGNUM4342

So you are calling me the Master of House of Kolor------------Okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: Too freakin funny! Pat you started your last post with "Jesus, another ambush reply!". "ANOTHER...ambush reply". Why do you think that is Pat? Do you suppose it could be the arrogant, condescending way you talk to people? Your use of bold red I'M MAKING MY POINT AND YOU HAD BETTER LISTEN typeface? Or maybe it's the way you talk down to people? I'm not really sure. What I am sure of is that yes, there are acrylic paints out there that need heat set, but apple barrel and ceramcoat do not need to be heat set when used on a model kit. I should do my research? Trust me sweets, I have! For many many years now. If you want to be part of a discussion, ANY discussion you should stow the attitude and speak to people in a general, even and friendly way, and you won't have to make statements anymore like the one I quoted at the beginning of this post. Have a nice day. ;)

I've been posting here for quite some time, participating with many here, and I can't remember ever seeing you around.

Arrogant and condescending??????. Well it's good to know we can call people that here.

Okay, let's all walk on eggshells so as not to offend anyone with honest, useful info gained from years of experience. Heck, who wants that?????


On the note of "What business is it of yours if someone wants to use cheap paints?" You are correct Pat. Once someone posts a question online like this it becomes anyone's business who wants to reply. That much is true. It IS NOT your business to tell anyone they should not use a paint because it's cheap!

I have to corect you here, that's the whole point of providing information.

That is exactly how your posts read. Are you a good builder and painter? Yes, alot of your work is outstanding. Does that give you the right to talk down to people because they can't afford HOK or want to expand thier knowledge base of other paints? NO!

If someone trying to honestly help you makes you feel insecure and inferior then I can't help you.

I personally have used all kinds of paints over the years in concert with each other. MAGNUM has said nothing wrong. All he did was point out some of the problems that can be run into using these paints as well as how one can overcome them. In other words, he was being helpfull. All your posts read as are i'm smart you're dumb and everyone should listen to me. Did you ever say you were the HOK master? Not that I know of but that's most certainly the way you come off!

If you don't like someone's posts then don't read them

name='G Holding' timestamp='1349030681' post='784743']

Good job pat....I think your EGO is much too large....and I am not hooter.

Your Smart attitude fits in perfect here....I think Kevin has it down...I have shot more HOK than anything else....So stuff your know it all attitude and if you want to teach...LEARN it all!

Holding, I suggest you refrain from thinking about me.



Let's put this to pictures, that's what I like to show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've got a lot of my paintjobs posted here so,






Let's see some pictures of your models painted with these CHEAP CRAFT PAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As adamant as you guys are I'm sure you have lots of your own paintjobs to show using these CHEAP CRAFT PAINTS


Guest G Holding
Posted (edited)

Enough of your DO - DO pat.

Scale Auto Magazine, Volume 29 Number April 2008.

Page 23 Author Marc Havican

Titled "Awesome Acrylics !" Marc uses the 99cent paints, tube acrylics, createx, Delta Ceramics.

His explanation might educate you...even though this is what YOU posted

"I've never liked using any kind of Acrylics or waterbased paint."

Now its time to shut up, read and learn. I have been quite civil here, but you


Edited by G Holding

And what would that prove Pat? The way this is going, I can tell you've already prepared the argument that a picture is no proof at all. Just because we say it's painted with brand X is no proof it is.

So-o-o-o-o-o-, you're not going to post any pics of the cars you've painted with cheap craft paints????



Enough of your DO - DO pat.

Scale Auto Magazine, Volume 29 Number April 2008.

Page 23 Author Marc Havican

Titled "Awesome Acrylics !" Marc uses the 99cent paints, tube acrylics, createx, Delta Ceramics.

His explanation might educate you...even though this is what YOU posted

"I've never liked using any kind of Acrylics or waterbased paint."

Now its time to shut up, read and learn. I have been quite civil here, but you


And-d-d--d, you're not going to post any pics either of all the cars you've painted with cheap craft paints????



Ignorance is bliss Pat. The difference between ignorance and stupid is you can't fix stupid. Which are you Pat? Apple Barrel gloss black @ $1.39 for 8oz.



For those who do use these low cost craft paints, what are you using to thin them for use in the airbrush? What is your mix ratio? The reason I am asking is, I am new to using an airbrush, and was thinking it would be for learning techniques.



Okay, since Holding, Futurebat, James, Hooter won't post their pics, or dont have any, I'll post some of mine shot 13 years ago with CHEAP CRAFT PAINTs like Apple Barrel and FolkArt, more or less paste in a bottle.








There it is from about 13 years ago. It wasn't just the finished texture of these CHEAP CRAFT PAINTS like Apple Barrel and Folk Art that I knew could be better, but the nightmare of proper thinning and the added dificulty of cleaning up afterwards of waterbased paints,

Give me solvents anytime.

So, then,

I moved up to the dollar aerosols at Walmart to use in my AirBrush.

The first thing I noticed was the user friendliness of Enamels and Lacquers and that the finished paintjob could be just as inexpensive as CHEAP CRAFT PAINTS. Plus solvent cleanup is so much easier and thorough.

So, then,

I used better Testors, ModelMaster and Tamiya. Again, improved results and stll just as cheap through my AirBrush as CHEAP CRAFT PAINTS.

Then I discovered House Of Kolor and since no one in the HotWheels DieCast Customizing world had ever spoken of it I decided to give it a try.

I already had my setup so House Of Kolor was really no more expensive than anything else,

My final paint cost on a car is about a Buck.

I formed an online House Of Kolor Co-Op and 12 of us divided up an $1100 order from Coast AirBrush.

That's the American way, when you run into a problem you find a way to solve it. We all got to try HOK and to this day all 11 of the other guys use it.


After trying all those paints and discovering that House Of Kolor is no more expensive, and sometimes even less, than other types of paint, I have a pretty good grasp from experience.

I've shown that there are several just as frugal coices for paint choices than CHEAP CRAFT PAINTS


Who really cares what you did Pat? Those of us that know better and have learned how to apply acrylics properly can tell how much ###### you are full of. I guess you answered my question of stupid or ignorant. I'll leave it to the rest of the readers to judge for themselves. As for me. there is no question as to the answer.


Cadalliac Pat, the last thing I'm going to say on here to you is plain and simple. This has nothing to do with our work or how experienced we are or our ability to paint a kit. You would think after all the arguments you get in on this forum that maybe you would sit back and think, Wow maybe I am just too conceited and never wrong and that my ego is through the roof. I could see if it was just one or two people, but the list you mentioned here is just way too big. The only thing from the above mentioned I can come up with is your not a people person or someone I care to continue speaking with from this point forward. So from this point forward this conversation is over. To the rest of the people on this forum I'm sorry Cadalliac Pat had to ruin this post. I apologize to you for him and will ignore him to refrain from any further types of arguments of this nature with any questions I may ask. Thanks to everyone else for your answers and willingness to help the new guy. Pat one last thing, perhaps you should take some lessons from Virgil as hes one of the nicest, most caring guys Ive met in the model building hobby on any of these sites and is more then willing to answer any question asked by anyone. End of discussion.


I didn't think that was pertinent since noone will be drinking from a model or repeatedly washing them. :rolleyes:

yea, that was kind of my point guess i could have been clearer on that.


yea, that was kind of my point guess i could have been clearer on that.

No sweat James, It was a poor attempt at humor on my part. As Chief Lodgeskins says "Sometimes the magic works...sometimes it doesn't" :D

I'll say one thing about this thread, it's kept me amused for the last 2 days! :lol: :lol: :lol: (no offence to those who really tried to give helpfull answers)

Posted (edited)

40 ford painted with cheap acryl pearl white and flat red.

and for the record i am aware i wasnt called out, just thought id share

also my first time using them, ive always used spray cans when it came to bodiers....and i have to say im liking the cheap acryls alot. just gotta thin em good.



Edited by TheGrandfatherHobbies

There it is from about 13 years ago. It wasn't just the finished texture of these CHEAP CRAFT PAINTS like Apple Barrel and Folk Art that I knew could be better, but the nightmare of proper thinning and the added dificulty of cleaning up afterwards of waterbased paints

Well you might try TODAYS paints....BUT YOU DON"T WANT TO !

Try and stay on topic.

The subject is Cheap Craft Paints not acrylics. I don't use or like either.

I use TODAY's PAINTS, I use House Of Kolor



Cadalliac Pat, the last thing I'm going to say on here to you is plain and simple. This has nothing to do with our work or how experienced we are or our ability to paint a kit. You would think after all the arguments you get in on this forum that maybe you would sit back and think, Wow maybe I am just too conceited and never wrong and that my ego is through the roof. I could see if it was just one or two people, but the list you mentioned here is just way too big. The only thing from the above mentioned I can come up with is your not a people person or someone I care to continue speaking with from this point forward. So from this point forward this conversation is over. To the rest of the people on this forum I'm sorry Cadalliac Pat had to ruin this post. I apologize to you for him and will ignore him to refrain from any further types of arguments of this nature with any questions I may ask. Thanks to everyone else for your answers and willingness to help the new guy. Pat one last thing, perhaps you should take some lessons from Virgil as hes one of the nicest, most caring guys Ive met in the model building hobby on any of these sites and is more then willing to answer any question asked by anyone. End of discussion.

Hooter, I would not take the time to argue with an anonymous person over the internet.

If you consider all discussions here "arguments" then why would you even participate.

You act like a little kid and it looks like you have a child or two here to play with.

Just use SPRAY CANS Hooter. It will be less complicated for you



Cadalliac Pat, the last thing I'm going to say on here to you is plain and simple. This has nothing to do with our work or how experienced we are or our ability to paint a kit. You would think after all the arguments you get in on this forum that maybe you would sit back and think, Wow maybe I am just too conceited and never wrong and that my ego is through the roof. I could see if it was just one or two people, but the list you mentioned here is just way too big.

REALLY, Only you and two others, man, that is a huge list!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing from the above mentioned I can come up with is your not a people person

Oh I like people alright, some, mostly chics. Dogs are much more trustworthy than some wackos that troll and live on the Internet.

or someone I care to continue speaking with from this point forward.

Okay, so long, no need for you to say anything else.

So from this point forward this conversation is over. To the rest of the people on this forum I'm sorry Cadalliac Pat had to ruin this post. I apologize to you for him and will ignore him to refrain from any further types of arguments of this nature with any questions I may ask. Thanks to everyone else for your answers and willingness to help the new guy. Pat one last thing, perhaps you should take some lessons from Virgil as hes one of the nicest, most caring guys Ive met in the model building hobby on any of these sites and is more then willing to answer any question asked by anyone.

I answered the questions as I have done many times before. You just can't handle the truth.

Perhaps Virgil can explain things to you.

End of discussion.

Hooter, you have 71 posts and you talk like you run the place. I'm quite sure you spend a lot ofc time on the Internet. Good Luck with your problems.



ok can i just say this topic has gotten OUT OF CONTROL. the poor guy just wanted to know if he COULD use the paints. not if they were the best method. lets drop this and a moderator needs to delete this post, as far as im concerned your all a bunch of 12 yr olds fighting over whos the better painter. THERE MODELS PEOPLE HAVE FUN FOR GODS SAKES

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I decided to do some experimenting with the cheap acrylic craft paint as a base for my last paint job. I will explain my process and you can decide if it works.

Prep body and prime with grey lacquer primer (it's a house brand from my supply house and is similar to Dupont 131 filling primer).

Sand with 600, clean and hit with a tack rag.


Dust coat of the cheap acrylic (thinned with hot tap water), hit with the hairdrier to dry.

The next coats can go on heavier.

Repeat process until coverage is even.

Other than a problem I had with my mixing cup, this paint layed down smooth, better than most enamels, lacquers or urethane. Also before moving on, I applied tape to it several times as I was afraid the craft paint wouldn't bite into the primer. It held fine although I only waited about 5 minutes for it to dry, I even yanked the tape off trying to get the paint to lift. It wouldn't.


My mid coat was also the cheapest I could find, a 99 cent bottle of nail polish in the exact shade of the cheap craft paint only in pearl.

After two coats to acheive even coverage, it was set aside for a few hours.


The final step was a couple of coats of clear urethane.

As this body is way too fragile, it won't get color sanded and buffed.

I don't see a problem using the Cheap Craft Paint, nor mismatching paints. You just have to adapt to your situation, find out what you can and can't work with and use what you are happy and capable of.

Other than primer and clear and thinner, this paint job cost $2,12 and I have paint left over.

So does cheap paint work, you decide.


Edited by Psychographic

Psych it's hard to tell from your pics just how smooth your cheap acrylic paint came out,

But you did a nice job, as I showed in the pics I also posted.


The effort put forth to use these cheap acrylic paints is far more than user friendly Enamels and even cheap aerosols.

Any experienced AirBrusher can get good results using anything, even cheap craft paints, but those new to AirBrushing can get the same results, even better, and much faster, using any cheap aerosol through his airbrush.

When I asked the rantersa in this thread to post their proven work with cheap craft paints you are the only one who actually did so

Now just think what you can do with other more reliable, more user friendly paints that don't even cost more.

I think what people miss is just how many Hobbyists quit due to the quality of first few paint jobs.

If people get advice on other more user friendly paints they will have a beter shot at that first paintjob.

Then they can move on like you and I who can paint using anything, even cheap craft paints.

Posted (edited)


I agree and disagree with some of your statements and maybe you could clear some things up for me.

"Now just think what you can do with other more reliable, more user friendly paints that don't even cost more."

I know you are a HOK guy, a great product, but how can you compare a qt. of candy at $60-80, or 1oz. jars at $8 (not including reducers and catalyst), to $2.12 of Cheap Craft Paint (now known as CCP) and Nail Polish (NP)for enough to paint a model? Maybe what I'm missing is, are there two paints available from HOK? Is one a lacquer for the hobbiest and then the urethane for the automotive world, or is there just one line and people are thinning it with lacquer and getting away with it? I have to admit, the HOK line is one I've never messed with altering their product other than clearing it with another brand, so if other hardeners, reducers, thinners will work, I have no knowledge. But then again, even if you only need lacquer thinner to cut it, it's still much more expensive percentage wise than to go CCP/ NP.

I did buy a bunch of HOK at NNL East, but have yet to even open them. they were 1 oz. jars, marked down 50% and I paid $4 or 5 each. Even at this price, CCP is still much cheaper.

As for ease on a first time AB'er, yes the CCP is harder to spray due to the amount you have to thin it and the long amount of time for the water to flash off. I equate this to over thinning an enamel on a cold day and telling a newcomer, have at it.

I think the average person who has taken the time to learn to use an airbrush and understand the properties of how the paint they are using, could in a matter of minutes get the hang of using CCP. I certainly didn't find it harder to spray, just different.

As for reliable, who can say what is reliable and what is not in the dark magic of painting? Years ago, my S-10 was painted HOK Kandy Pink over Orion Silver, it failed miserably. after 8 months there was spots showing almost bare silver.

"The effort put forth to use these cheap acrylic paints is far more than user friendly Enamels and even cheap aerosols".

I actually found this method to be one of the easiest I've used yet to paint a model. The one thing I did like much better, the speed. If you use a hairdrier, it's dry almost immediately. The other thing I noticed, it goes on very thin and you lose very little detail. Clean up was a breeze, but then again after using an AB for as long as I have, I find it rediculous when people complain about cleaning one. A note to anyone reading this, if you spray water through your AB/Spraygun, always flush the water out with a little lacquer thinner.

The other benefit to CCP/NP is it's availability.

I will definitely be using this method again in the future.

Edited by Psychographic
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