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1977 IROC Series Camaro


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Clyde, you really gotta get over this fear of posting your pictures here. You do realise the site will automatically resize them for the posts right? Many more people will check out and get into your builds if they can see them here where they should be without having to follow a link. ;)

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I don't understand that because my camera takes hooge pics and they've always posted. Most folks here use a site like Photobucket or Fotki. (I personally do not like Fotki but to each his own.) I've never had an issue with this site or any other accepting my photobucket pics, in fact Futurabat uses it too. Another thing you could try is (and I admit I don't know what your operating system is) take the pics into paint shop before you post them and reduce thier size there before uploading them. Another question I would ask is, do you have a macro setting on your camera and are you using it. My camera is set on macro and as you've seen I have no issues with posting any size picture.

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I have my own website http://pettymodelcars.webs.com/ but my photo extentions are not permitted on this site, I was post pix with browse button b4 but now all my files seem to big to load

That's the source of your problem. You MUST use a photo hosting site that provides the proper codes for copying into your posts. Open a free Photobucket account, upload your images there, and you will have no problem.


There is a pinned subject in the Tips, Tricks and Tutorials section of this forum that describes using Photobucket, but I find it unnecessarily complicated. It begins with telling you how to upload photos from your camera, which is somewhat down the list on the functions you want to use.

At Photobucket, you click on the upload button and a menu pops up to select the image you want, preferably from your desktop or somewhere on your hard drive. I won't go into more detail, but I think admin on this forum really needs to replace the Photobucket tutorial with something less complicated and easier to follow. It's not that hard. We get this question all the time, and I don't think we have an adequate tutorial for beginners.

Edited by sjordan2
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