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AMT Slot Cars Updated and New Parts: '62 Catalnia


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Round2 sent the new and improved AMT 1/24 (OOPS, SORRY!!!) scale slot car 1962 Catalina today.

They fixed almost all the old problems, some of them better than others.

They added new aluminum rims, aluminum ring gear, brass pinion gear, and better tires.

The front guide problem they resolved by making a new guide, with basically a stop built into it.














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You typed "1/32" but the box says "1/25" and I thought all their series of slot cars were 1/25. You did that just to see if we were reading, didn't you? (Thanks, Danno, fixed the typo... gregg)

I don't have any of the Round2 slot cars (my racing set is 1/32), but can you explain how the body attaches to the chassis?

Can any 1/25 body be attached to their chassis?

Thanks for the info ... slot car racing is still way coooool after all these years!


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Actually, this round of 1/24 won't work with 1/32 scale bodies.

The front aluminum wheels are set screw-type, and as such, that determines the front axle width or track.

The body mounts are the same as the previous versions, the sliding angle pieces that Jairus did that cool trick with the light behind the body and Sharpie to make mounting points/holes.

I started gluing in styrene square stock to inside of body panels, then tapping in 2mm thread holes, and then using longer R/C car allen head screws to mount body.

This chassis/slot is from the first round of releases.

I added a lot of Jairus' mods to it



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