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This is just a great kit. I built one a few months back for the Mrs. but really wanted to put my own spin on it. The build is box stock, painted with Testors One-Coat White Lightning. I didn't clear it because I wanted it to have a less glossy finish. Decals are parts box finds and were perfect. I may eventually do a third!







Very nice, but I'd suggest you slit the decals where they cross the door opening lines. Otherwise, the doors are taped shut! (it'll look better, actually).


Nice Merc. I agree it's hard to do just one. I've done two and I think I'm gonna get more as well. These things are addictive. They're fun to build and practially fall together.


Nice work it is a nice kit to bulid too. I have a few bulit and I still want to bulid a few more there is no end to how you can bulid them!! once again excllent work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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