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What Irked You Today?


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Looked it up. Don't see the relevance to this thread.

It's something that irked me today, and pretty much every day. I believe it now affects the majority of human interactions and activities: technical workers, drivers, people in positions of authority, self-styled 'experts', students, web developers, programmers, technical writers, journalists in general, politicians, economists, ad nauseam. 

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Had to look that one up also. Interesting, led me to another article: https://psmag.com/social-justice/confident-idiots-92793  that discusses some of the subsets of the original propositions. Sort of long, but a lot to think about.

Good article, and illustrates how the problem has its tentacles in everything humans do. Written by David Dunning, too.

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It's something that irked me today, and pretty much every day. I believe it now affects the majority of human interactions and activities: technical workers, drivers, people in positions of authority, self-styled 'experts', students, web developers, programmers, technical writers, journalists in general, politicians, economists, ad nauseam. 


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Not really knowing how you mean that...if it's directed towards me as a "self styled expert", all I can tell you is that I never rely entirely on my memory...or even my recollection of my understanding of a particular subject...and I almost always fact-check prior to posting anything technical here or elsewhere. I also often back up my technical information with primary source material from elsewhere on the web (recently from several manufacturers that make the products for industry that 'experts' insisted were unnecessary in some of today's industrial processes)...not opinions parroted from others, or "I saw it done once so I know everything about it" types.

I'm vastly ignorant of a great many subjects, and I happily admit it. Knowing you DON'T KNOW something is the first step to learning. I also know rather a lot, from both education and from many years of hands-on engineering, automotive and aviation experience...and just paying attention in general. I try to share what I know to be true, and post factual and correct information. Several folks have seen the need to denigrate that, call me names, insult me, or argue from positions of inferior knowledge or experience. That is something I'll never understand. I personally respect and revere people who know things I don't (and there are a LOT of them), especially when they try to help ME. I also freely admit when I'm wrong...if someone with provable superior knowledge or experience can convincingly illustrate my misconception, with facts.

But you know, it does get tiring arguing with ignorant idiots who are too stupid to know they're ignorant idiots...which is perhaps the non-PC but nonetheless accurate definition of the DK effect. And these days, they seem to be everywhere.

I'm sure someone will take this little missive personally, complain, and I'll get another warning. And you know what? I really don't much care anymore.

PS. And then there's always the clown who has to make some snide but carefully oblique comment, a specialist in the CYA game, but not much else.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Just a risky gag Bill. But since you know I'm never (but ever) one of those pot stirrers I knew you'd give me the benefit of the doubt. I considered that you were offering a brilliantly wry joke. That you, one of the most esteemed members here and one of the most flawless in his shared knowledge, would offer an irk that sounds so much like the DK Effect generalizing that a DK Effect person would do. It's because it came from you specifically that made it so funny, perhaps knowing the learning-prone types would look up the DK Effect was the perfect punch line. It was still a pretty good post Bill. But go with me on this, it's a lot funnier as a very sophisticated joke. :)

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Just a risky gag Bill. But since you know I'm never (but ever) one of those pot stirrers I knew you'd give me the benefit of the doubt. I considered that you were offering a brilliantly wry joke. That you, one of the most esteemed members here and one of the most flawless in his shared knowledge, would offer an irk that sounds so much like the DK Effect generalizing that a DK Effect person would do. It's because it came from you specifically that made it so funny, perhaps knowing the learning-prone types would look up the DK Effect was the perfect punch line. It was still a pretty good post Bill. But go with me on this, it's a lot funnier as a very sophisticated joke. :)

I guess I'm more DK than I thought. Damm. Maybe sometimes getting slapped with a cold fish is good for the soul...nah...but the fish seems to be diggin' it...

Image result for slapped with a cold fish

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Not just today, but this has been an exceptional one for all the phishing e-mails I'm getting from claiming to be Amazon, Google, FedEx and ones I've never even heard of, let alone use. Since I don't really do much with mail order or any social media except for a couple of forums and my filter catches most and junks them. Trying to think, if I really started getting bunches after I joined this board, or not. Anybody else getting them?

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I'm sure we all get those SPAMs (Phishing and others). I do.  This forum is no different than any other forum (like Spotlight Hobbies for example).  Actually it is more "secure" as your email address is not easily visible (like it is on Spotlight board). Once your email address gets in the hands of the SPAMMERS, you are a fair target for all.  The Phishing emails are not related to whether you shop online or not.  They just blindly blanket-email thousands of email addresses hoping some poor sap will fall for the spoof.

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Not just today, but this has been an exceptional one for all the phishing e-mails I'm getting from claiming to be Amazon, Google, FedEx and ones I've never even heard of, let alone use. Since I don't really do much with mail order or any social media except for a couple of forums and my filter catches most and junks them. Trying to think, if I really started getting bunches after I joined this board, or not. Anybody else getting them?

Yeah, I keep getting phishing bait from "Amazon" letting me know that "my order has been canceled."  Here's the deal:  I haven't ordered from Amazon in over a year.  What's sad is they're persistent and Outlook's blocking system is fairly ineffective. 

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after living on our quiet street for 22 yrs, and almost into retirement, woke up to find 2 huge re-zoning signs across the street....

some chinese dude who is'nt even a Canadian bought the 3 houses across from me and wants to put up an apartment:angry::angry::angry:

it is BS, how can someone who is not even a resident of our country, destroy the peace and quiet of our little street- most disgusting part is it's all for greed- nothing else....it is not needed...

I guess that all it takes is money. I know that it doesn't seem fair, however a lot of things are not fair.

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after living on our quiet street for 22 yrs, and almost into retirement, woke up to find 2 huge re-zoning signs across the street....

some chinese dude who is'nt even a Canadian bought the 3 houses across from me and wants to put up an apartment:angry::angry::angry:

it is BS, how can someone who is not even a resident of our country, destroy the peace and quiet of our little street- most disgusting part is it's all for greed- nothing else....it is not needed...

Unfortunately that is becoming a big problem in Canadian cities. Out of country buyers buying up property and doing whatever they want pretty much. And it's worse, I think, for you folks on the west coast. I'm sure the town council is happy as this investor is building "affordable" housing.

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So I found out last week that Edmonton is losing one of it's hobby stores. Hobby Alley in west Edmonton is shutting the doors this Saturday. 

That leaves one decent hobby store in a city of about a million people. Yeah there's that other store with two mall locations, but they specialize in anime and Japanese culture things, and have very few supplies, and even fewer knowledgeable staff members.

In talking with the owner of Hobby Alley, it's due to online shopping. The major part of his business is RC. Yes, online is eating into his sales, but there's another factor too. He's tired of RC people coming in, figuring out what they want, then going home and ordering online, then coming back and asking for technical help on how to install/use it once it arrives. Then they freak out when he says he wants to charge for technical assistance on products he didn't sell. Can't say I disagree with his thought.

So now, if I want supplies or kits, I have to do an inconvenient drive across the city to hit up Hobby Wholesale. Good stroe, great inventory, but inconvenient. No more whipping out at lunch to the store that's 5 minutes away.



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