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I get it. Regarding posting pit bulls and their reputation as fighting dogs is simply too little too late. Sadly and like it or not, they are put down if they’re not adopted after a certain length of time. Not just pit bulls but other animals.

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Smoke Wagon said:

Joking aside, that is some pretty soul (and chair) crushing stuff. It’s only bound to get worse with folks nowadays reassuring each other that it’s all okay and socially acceptable to weigh more than a forklift.

I understand that some people do have conditions, like thyroid problems, and at the end of the day there’s really not a lot they can do to change what their bodies do. That said, being morbidly obese is almost entirely a modern phenomenon; directly brought on by a mix of technological advances that have made our basic lives easier, unhealthy food being more plentiful than ever, and a significant lack of self-discipline and control amongst people. 

Yup...but even with a thyroid problem, basic elementary physics holds true, and if you don't pound down more calories than you burn off, no matter how screwy your metabolism is, you won't swell up like the Hindenburg.

We are in a time where taking personal responsibility for anything is largely a forgotten concept, everything is somebody or something else's fault, and no matter what self-destructive and willfully ignorant choices we make, we deserve to be accommodated, excused, and even encouraged and emulated...because it's not our fault.


EDIT: I was well on my way to being significantly overweight after an injury that made it painful to maintain the level of activity I had previously, but I kept on eating the same amount...and more for "comfort".

Then at one point I looked very critically at myself in the mirror and decided I didn't want to be the fat old man looking back. Not much I can do about "old", but "fat" is well within my power to control.

Now I sometimes go to bed a little hungry and force myself to exercise even when I hurt or "don't feel like it", but it's worth it when I find I can once again get in clothes sizes I wore in my 40s, have lots more energy, and an easy time getting in and out of small, fun cars.  :D

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Besides the issues of little exercise, poor discipline,  and unhealthy food there is another factor. I remember reading an article that certain foods disrupt normal eating patterns. High fructose corn syrup does not trigger a full sensation causing the person to continue eating. In addition to   sodas and other over sugared foods I seen it in things such as mayonnaise and tomato sauce. High fructose is a cheap filler to foods to pad out the volume. You gotta read the labels on everything to avoid it besides watching out for excessive amounts of salt and fat. Salt, fat, and sugar are the cheapest ways to flavor foods and in excess they are very unhealthy. 


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You bring up some good info that has been tossed about every so often for people to recognize. The strange effects on our bodies from various ingredients can cause problems but I try to use the "discipline" approach when I eat. Pour some cereal in a bowl but keep it reasonable. Put food on your plate at dinner but don't pile it on. A few chips with my sandwich.

I fail at times like how many slices of pizza I should eat but if you try to be reasonable most of the time you should be alright.


Having to clean out my storage unit,and finding out that most of the stuff in it was my ex girlfriend’s junk.???.And it cost me a couple of hundred $$ to get rid of it all.


Sent a check to my lawyer on June 3rd after we wrapped up my mom's estate. She still hasn't got it. Almost drove to her office to hand it to her which is 15 minutes away but figured how could the US mail screw it up. They did!


Guys I want to say a couple of things.  Know one wants too be that size.  Sometimes disease can cause problems and some are irresponsible eating.  I weighed 150 all my life until MS after 17 years of  IV steroids and pills I gained 90 lbs while working 8years. sometimes you never know..

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I've been 6'0" and 280-320 lbs for 35 years.

It is not just eating and exercise. It is a whole lot more, and if you have tried to keep weight off, and failed you know that it is not just as simple as Eat Less/Burn More calories.............

If you have no problems controlling your weight, don't moralize about those who do have problems.

  • Like 2
18 minutes ago, stavanzer said:


I've been 6'0" and 280-320 lbs for 35 years.

It is not just eating and exercise. It is a whole lot more, and if you have tried to keep weight off, and failed you know that it is not just as simple as Eat Less/Burn More calories.............

If you have no problems controlling your weight, don't moralize about those who do have problems.

I agree. I'm 6ft 2 and at my heaviest was around 360. I managed to get down to  300 lbs. In 2014 I had a heart attacked and managed to get down to 250 but gained it back. After lots of effort I a mm now down to 243. 

There are a lot of factors that can contribute to being overweight. However unlike getting rid of a bad habit of smoking you can not just quit eating. You have to work hard at behavior modification to achieve your goals.


Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, stavanzer said:

...If you have no problems controlling your weight, don't moralize about those who do have problems.

I DO actually have a "problem" controlling my weight. At 70+ I just can't be as active as I used to, and I LOVE to eat.

But I also take responsibility for it...and if you eat more than you burn off, you gain weight. Period.

There may be other contributing factors, but the simple energy in = energy out equation is undeniable.


34 minutes ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

...You have to work hard at behavior modification to achieve your goals.



And like everything else in life, it comes down to how-bad-do-you-want-it?

EDIT: As an aside, one the most effective ways I've found to KEEP the weight off is to eat controlled portions during the week, and let myself have anything I want during the weekend.

You don't feel "deprived" because you can look forward to a really satisfying meal or two, and after a while, you won't want a whole pizza and a whole key-lime pie (which I've done in the past).   :D

Edited by Ace-Garageguy

For those who may not realize some of the side effects of the prescribed meds that we take as we get older, read the possible side effects that the pharmacy lists on their paperwork. Cholesterol and high Blood Pressure Meds often have weight gain as one of the side effects. Thyroid and Testosterone Meds can cause ankles and feet to sweal as well. You have to be brave to get old and live with the side effects. Not all pot guts are the fault of the owners. 

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  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, espo said:

For those who may not realize some of the side effects of the prescribed meds that we take as we get older, read the possible side effects that the pharmacy lists on their paperwork. Cholesterol and high Blood Pressure Meds often have weight gain as one of the side effects. Thyroid and Testosterone Meds can cause ankles and feet to sweal as well. You have to be brave to get old and live with the side effects. Not all pot guts are the fault of the owners. 


And for those who've been brainwashed to believe they need a pill for everything, especially as they age, "needing" those meds is largely the result of poor lifestyle choices over time.

I'm not being "mean" or "judgmental" or "critical" or "moralizing" here. I've dealt with weight and other health "problems" for decades, and I've found out what works, for me.

Passing my own results on is only an attempt to try to get people to realize they have more control over many aspects of their health than the medical...and pharmaceutical...establishment would have you believe.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
  • Like 1

Good discussion and the comment about pills and such reminds me of a buddy I worked with. He kept having high cholesterol and he kept eating like a rabbit and had small portions of other food yet still had high cholesterol. He had to eventually take a pill everyday to control it. Some of our bodies just don't cooperate no matter what we do and may need a little help beyond diet and exercise. No shame in that.

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I agree that sometimes there can be a need for meds to be healthy.  My primary doctor says I can give you pills that will say help lower your blood sugar but if you can lose weight and make dietary changes its better for you. Talking pills can have a negative impact on your health. After my heart attack I was put on liptor to lower my cholesterol. After several years I was having joint issues and had to stop. That was when I made the commitment to lose weight and change my diet to reduce my cholesterol. My most recent cholesterol results have been my best numbers ever. Some think I can eat whatever and my pills will be all I need.


I'm at 275 Right now, at 59.

I do eat less. I am on Metformin and Atorvastatin, and some other drugs.

I am truly happy your regime works for you, Bill.

5 minutes ago, stavanzer said:

I'm at 275 Right now, at 59.

I do eat less. I am on Metformin and Atorvastatin, and some other drugs.

I am truly happy your regime works for you, Bill.

And I truly hope your meds will work for you.

9 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:



And like everything else in life, it comes down to how-bad-do-you-want-it?

EDIT: As an aside, one the most effective ways I've found to KEEP the weight off is to eat controlled portions during the week, and let myself have anything I want during the weekend.

You don't feel "deprived" because you can look forward to a really satisfying meal or two, and after a while, you won't want a whole pizza and a whole key-lime pie (which I've done in the past).   :D

I think that the most important aspect of successful dieting is allowing yourself to have whatever you want occasionally as long as it is in moderation.  You can have something in 3 bite portions. After three bites you are just filling up on that food. Three bites satisfies the craving. You have the pleasure of that food by doing that there are never any foods that need deny yourself of.

Overall behavior modification also an important component of weight loss. If not you will revert back to one's bad habits.


Seems to be ridiculously hot everywhere but here in NW Oregon. We can't get to 70F and it's mostly cloudy all the time. Have a neighbor from Texas and they say they're loving this.

On 6/15/2022 at 10:41 AM, TonyK said:

Seems to be ridiculously hot everywhere but here in NW Oregon. We can't get to 70F and it's mostly cloudy all the time.

It’s been getting warm and sunny down here in SW Oregon, but we’ve been getting rainy days as well.

On 6/15/2022 at 12:41 PM, TonyK said:

Seems to be ridiculously hot everywhere but here in NW Oregon. We can't get to 70F and it's mostly cloudy all the time. Have a neighbor from Texas and they say they're loving this.

I would love to have your weather.   High 90’s here heat index 110.  No rain this month or in sight..

On 6/15/2022 at 1:26 PM, Ace-Garageguy said:

110F in the shop today. Glad we have a water cooler. 

119 by the end of the day. Can you say sweaty and tired, boys and girls?   B)

Posted (edited)

This guy irked me today. Nothing too unusual though.

Seems like he's everywhere these days, always whining that he can't do this or can't do that because of some perceived unfairness or inequity, and that everything he fails at for lack of trying...or his own lazy incompetence and willful ignorance...is somebody or something else's fault.


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
22 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

This guy irked me today. Nothing too unusual though.

Seems like he's everywhere these days, always whining that he can't do this or can't do that because of some perceived unfairness or inequity, and that everything he fails at for lack of trying...or his own lazy incompetence and willful ignorance...is somebody or something else's fault.


I work with Truck Drivers and Oilfield Hands. We don't see him too often, and he usually gets run off when he does show up. The work is too hard, and badly paid for his kind to tolerate it for long.

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