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crappy cloudy day but fine enough to take some better shots than what I had, doesnt show the flake at all though icon_sad.gif

the hood also sits a little high at the front, not sure what its catching on though






ppg pearl white and candy orange, cleared with ppg lame flake (that you cant see).


Odd color choice but I like it. Looks great. On the hood, you might check out the chrome trim on the bottom of the hood at the front tip. I had to thin mine down quite a bit to get the hood to fit properly. What I had to do was trim the top part of the trim piece until it fit right. It was molded to thick and that is what caused my problem. Hope this makes since. :) Dan


Thanks guys, appreciate it.

Dan, I think you hit the nail on the head, though I think mine may be catching on the back corners of them, by the centre peak.

Peter K, your a long way from home, but I wouldnt rush back in a hurry if I was in your shoes :) , Yes we can get it though most of my paint is sourced from 1:1 car painters, just ask nicely and explain why you want it, some are quite keen to see the finished build as a lot used to build back in their younger days.

Jim, it shines up nice in the sun, specially when the flake shows up, we're coming into summer soon so i'll get a nicer pic for you.

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