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1958 Corvette


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The Monogram Pro-Modeler kit from some years ago. I really enjoyed this kit, and have another in the stash. I'm thinking of building it as silver with black coves to complement this one.

Most of my buildups live in a display case, but dust still seems to seep in. And the camera is certainly unforgiving of mistakes that might go a little less noticed to the casual observer! But hey, I build for fun - mostly!






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Thank you. Yes, the deck lid is a separate piece. Also, it included the up-top. Well, at least in the Pro Modeler rendition. I don't think the 1959 Revell issue, based on this kit, did include the up-top. But, I don't remember. I'll have to dig it out of the stash to verify.

Anywho...I added the belts & buckles. A smattering of detail under the hood was also added, but I don't have a picture of it. Overall, I think this is one of my better builds. And, the Supreme Commander approved the color choice. :wub:

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