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Buck Baker '58 Impala


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Got some work done on this Impala. Here's the story: I ordered this kit, knowing it did not have instructions or glass. I couldn't find any replacement glass, but did notice the '55 truck glass fit ok. So I chopped the top off, and started thinking about scratchbuilt convertible NASCAR.

Progress so far:




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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a while since I've updated. Doesn't seem to be a whole lot of interest in this, but that's ok - I think it's coming along nicely!


Got it painted and the main body assembled. I tore one of the decals, so this could be Buddy Baker's, depending on which side you look at! LOL. Used a pin for the shifter.



Not really happy about the cover, but it's a start. Looks too heavy to me.


Comments are welcome!

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  • 1 month later...

Great idea John , and you're off to a good start ! I don't think I've ever seen a Buck Baker '58 Chevy before .

And don't think nobody is interested . Things are pretty slow around here and a lot of people just stop by to look and don't reply very often ( I'm guilty ! :( ) .

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