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Still have one more week before it's back to school. Kinda sad once this week's over but hey I had four weeks of christmas break instead of the regular two I used to have in elementary and high school. Double the holiday and it was a blessing. Still no call backs for the 3 jobs I applied for but I still had a wonderful and full christmas break.

Pleased that next semester we got "Equiptment Certifications" so we get to drive snowmachines, Four'wheelers, boats, use Chainsaws and other stuff. Pretty crazy cool.

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Today's pleasings started as irks. First was my broken tooth which I'm still dealing with, 5 days in but I did get an appointment that is 3 more days away. My old oral surgeon retired and sold his practice to Akeso Oral, Facial Dental inplant surgery. Since I'm considered a new patient It's only a consultation but it's a start. Thankfully the pain level is about a 3 out of 10 and not constant, only when eating.

Next up was the front brakes on our Equinox. The wear indicators starting their screeching, so off to the auto parts store I went. Purchased two rotors and a set of ceramic pads, $240.00.. Upon pulling off the tires I could see it was just the pads needed replaced. It all went well with no issues, even with my aching hands. Definitely had sticker shock when the young man told me the price of the parts, way higher than the last brake job I did.. at least it was a beautiful day weather wise. 

Lastly, making some progress getting my 71 yr old procrastinating brother to address all his medical issues. One totally blocked carotid artery and a 15% blockage in the other, possible prostate related issues, way over weight and retaining water, boarder line diabetes and a definite sleeping disorder. All will take time, just hope he's got enough time left in him to accomplish it all..🙏

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Had to take pics of Bear's incision and a video of her walking in the yard to the emergency vet as her follow up visit.  Two weeks ago, she ended up having surgery to remove a softball sized wad of chewed up sock wrapped in grass.  She ended up there again a week ago as she hardly eating anything and the medicine to enhance her appetite wasn't working.  They modified her meds and the stomach decided she wanted to eat again.

She got her release (!) and since the stitches are on the inside, nothing to take out.  My youngest forgot to put the box in the chair we've been using to block her from her living room chair and she took advantage reclaiming her spot.  So much for restricting her activity.

She's always been a Daddy's girl.  She was the only one of my dogs I took to see my dad when he ended up in the hospital from dementia and just laid in his lap (she's is perpetually happy anywhere!) so she will always have a huge spot in my heart. 


Edited by HomerS
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