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Hi Guys,
I have tried to follow fellow modeler Charlie Rowley's suggestion several times of using small pieces of aluminum tubing as bezels for making pump panel gauges. Only problem was, I couldn't consistently cut the pieces to the same length. :? When cutting Evergreen strips, I use my "Chopper". With other tubing and shapes, I use my miter box with a "stop" clamped in place to keep the length of the cut consistent. But what to do with a K&S tubing cutter :?: :?: :?: Well, the light bulb finally went off :!:
I cut a piece of Evergreen stock and used CA glue to secure it in place. I was pleasantly surprised that the Loctite Gel held the Evergreen to the odd plastic of the tubing cutter! I then filed the Evergreen to size so that I could close the cutter.
Here is the finished product without doing ANY cleaning up!
As this was my first attempt before bed last night, and worked today and will be tomorrow, I look forward to having the time to clean these up and roughing out a pump panel for my Mack RD Tanker! This same technique could be used for any type of tubing that needs to be cut to the same length in very short sections. Thanks for looking!

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