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I wasn't 100% sure where to post this, but here it goes ...... After all these years, I decided to use a few trophies to enhance my shelf; I have a few typical bits & pieces, the toppers; chrome cars, cups & bases, etc. ..... but ..... for the most part, have no idea what goes with what .... or what came from which kit. I'm wondering who else ever uses these & may be able to shed a little light on this subject; I don't ever recall this being discussed; but a comprehensive thread; with pics & details would be great........ as well; the wider subject; of any & all diorama pieces ever offered in kits would be superb.


I got drawers full of the small "goodies" that came in the kits back in the day.Most times they were on tables at shows and would buy what was available. I think every kit came with some goody.


I used to have a bunch also, somewhere along the way they got lost ..... ( it figures that now I'm wanting them, I can't find them !!! ) ..... now; I'll be on a mission to try and gather a few more ...( at any reasonable price !!! ) - I think it could be tricky though, I don't remember ever seeing anyone offering these as a separate item at shows here.... darn it !!! :blink:


If you buy on Ebay they are on there every once in a while.

That is a good question about what goes with what. I think if you look at old instruction sheet they may give a few hints.


I did see one vendor have a group of 4, with a couple other odds & ends in a Junk lot - he's asking $29 plus way too much for shipping ; if they were more reasonable - like $10, plus $5 shipping perhaps I'd consider.


I collect those as well (hey if I can't win em, I might as well collect em!). most of them are pretty much free form, whatever fits together goes together. there are all sorts of them in all sorts of kits, including a lot of current reissues. some have crossed flags, some are trophys on bases, some have cars and some don't. then there is the extravagant multi level trophy (with multiple singing angels) and little bitty cars that came with the Uncertain T. a roth car that is still widely available if not actually in production, the Mysterion I think, has another very nice multi level one with small (like 1/4 the size of those normal sized chrome trophy cars) cars and an elaborate stand.

maybe later tonite I will gather together a bunch of them and take a pic, and post it here

ps: I like oddball engine stands too...


Posted (edited)

back sooner than I thought, with photos!

here is what I think I remember came out of the roth kit:


then we have this "number 1" trophy, origin unknown:


a selection of trophies, you will see four distinct types if you look close


another assortment, the one in the middle I think I cobbled together from spare pieces:


finally, three distinct trophy cars, all chrome:


I would be interested in seeing any and all others.


Edited by jbwelda

I always loved the little accessories that came with the kits...I have a few of the trophies but with wanting to build a few dioramas I find I am looking for all the scale figures I can find so they don't look like a ghost town. There were a few decent scale accessory kits available...garage,equipment,tools,scale figures,etc. but think there out of production now? I think they can add a lot to a build.


Now you guys are going to cry, I use the trophy cups to make portable spot lights called 'Dietz' lights

I use the air horn bezel for the base and a handle from the MPC WWII Jeep


Anyone want to donate some to my fire department?



Thanks much guys, JB, that built trophy you have there is from the Ed Roth Outlaw Kit, here's my bunch; with a few animal figures as well,that round piece says Motor Trend Award on it, the painted ones were just done, using Tamiya clear yellow & I also used prism tape to detail ..... The trophy with wood & darker blue pillars, is from an aftermarket kit.









Now you guys are going to cry, I use the trophy cups to make portable spot lights called 'Dietz' lights

I use the air horn bezel for the base and a handle from the MPC WWII Jeep

attachicon.gifP1010316 - Copy.JPG

Anyone want to donate some to my fire department?


Instead of that, why not try casting those in resin? Small stuff like that aren't that difficult. One mold might yield dozens of those.

Posted (edited)

I won't donate but will steal the spotlight idea.

I will buy or trade for a desert water bag.

sometimes a resin website (scale models x chris?) will have resin reproductions that can give an idea how the manufacturer intended the accessory to look.

aha! found a substitute metal casting of the waterbag on the Ozark Miniatures site

Edited by southpier

Good point Mike, I was going to suggest that, or to perhaps scratch build a couple & then cast those - I'm not sure if the majority of car modelers threw the kit trophies out, or simply don't think / care less about them; :rolleyes: but, the more that can be preserved the better, like all the diorama pieces, they really add so much to a model's display appeal.


You are so right, all these little things really do bring the modeling to a whole other level. As far as the figures go, I've seen pre-painted ones sold in groups & separate on E-Pay, they are "G" scale, which, I think is 1/22 ..... as far as the tools & garage stuff goes; there are some kits which were re-issued several times that still have them in there, such as the AMT 34 Ford pickup kit - is there certain pieces your looking for ?


You are so right, all these little things really do bring the modeling to a whole other level. As far as the figures go, I've seen pre-painted ones sold in groups & separate on E-Pay, they are "G" scale, which, I think is 1/22 ..... as far as the tools & garage stuff goes; there are some kits which were re-issued several times that still have them in there, such as the AMT 34 Ford pickup kit - is there certain pieces your looking for ?

In coming PM.


Going to add some of my collection of bric a brac that came with some of the kits



there was also a color wheel that came in the AMT kits


Posted (edited)

Great stuff there Greg !! - thanks for sharing this; I was hoping someone would show a bunch like this ! :)

Edited by Krazy Rick

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