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nice start.

if that's a cummins engine, they are traditionally dark mustard yellow, kinda like gray pupon.

this will probly get moved to the "big rig" section of the forums.


Thank you all for the comments. and yes I know it's a dark mustard yellow. i just wanted some different then the standard paint job. I am going to be adding a small rubber hose from the engine to the air tankes and to the air ride suspension,. thank you need to also just up the paint, but thank you.


frame is done with wheels. wheels are alittle off gotta fix them and the driver seat and passenger seats are don. cab and bed prep and ready for the paint room today, but gotta figure out what's wrong with my airbrush gun, anyways, it's getting their.






well the body and sides are painted. man I do miss my airbrush, the masking tape peeled some of the paint off. anyways the boom is painted to, got to do some touch up some time today. man I got to get me another airbrush gun. lol






Joseph first your build is coming along nice looking forward to seeing more. Here's a tip that may help your paint from peeling off I find that when I'm painting stripes that one I have to let the first color paint to cure at least a week or more and I use Tyermia tape. After I have the tape in place I brush on clear coat over the edge of the tape.


Here is and up - to -date on the build. need to do some touch up once the paint has dryed. got to hand paint them my airbrush gun has finaly kick the old bucket. after been away from model kits for a few years. but anyways , looking good.







This is a very expensive kit. I tried to buy one but the ones I found were way over my budget. But I managed to find a simpler and cheaper wrecker from AMT, which I'm currently working on. You say your airbrush gun has gone bad, but you can finish the project with the old regular hobby spray paints. That's all I use.


Free hand painting is fine for the details but for the body at least I recommend you use the little hobby spray cans. They are not expensive.



I'm new on tis forum and from Holland so sorry iff my Englisch is not correct... I'm a tow truck driver in the Netherlands and i'm enjoy yor topic, good luck with it and make it a beautiful wrecker!

Greetings from Holland,

Jeffrey Scholten

Posted (edited)

thank you I am trying my best on it. alittle more left on it and I will post the pictures of it when done spending time with the family.

Edited by model1:25th scale

thank you , it was coming out nice until my daughter kitten gotten into my hobby room and knocked it down and pieces are all over the place. so going to clean it up and rebuild repaint it. have pieces soaking in paint thinner as I am typing.

Posted (edited)

here is a picture of a cat problem in the hobby room. sneaky Bast&*r

will back to the drawing board. with a few before the huge destroyer has sneak into the hobby room




Edited by model1:25th scale

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