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thnx guys !!! :) and still nothing bought .. my goal is to end up with a 100% scratchbuild garage absolutly everything ..

i want to try and print tools like wrenches on thicker paper , cutting then out and spraying them silver , maybe glue 2 on top of each other >>


started on a mini table metal mill , i choose a small version to put on the bench , looks cool and handy for those small bushes and bolt turning / milling ...


the turnwheel comes from a cheap tiny toy car ... i saved that when i found it ounce .. lucky because thats to small to make that detailed




haha lol thnx dave ....

and i like it when you say that for me i learned a lot or betetr said got so much idea's from looking at other peoples work .. so i like to give some back .. thats also why i post such a extensive buildthrea and try to show as much as possible ....i know i love to follow peoples threads / topics where you can really follow a build from beginning to end ..


Richard you need a broom and a brush for cleanup.

i know :) hahaha ....i wil def. make them later

more detail added , more to come




also put a small copper plate with a drilled hole on the drill press table


all the machinery


Posted (edited)

thnx arno :)coming from you > big compliment love your builds :) still having fun ... and you saw my other garage in real life .. this one is really a nice step up again .. because when i now look at the previous one i really feel most stuff is simple .. but thats the cool thing , growing and getting better :)

maybe ... very maybe when this one is finished i will go to that big contest thing .. what was it in houten ??

not sure because i'm not really into contest and stuff .. but people asked a few times why i didnt enter with the hotrod garage before .. maybe it can be fun to go with this one

basecoat is on , green so all the chrome and silver will pop .. also made a small panel with a emergency stop ..close to the operator haha



Edited by crazyrichard

and then the paint dryed .. , painted lots of chrome , a few washes and drybrushing .. power cord , safety sign and it on the bench :)

still need some smalls like shavings , a few tools on and next to it ..







started on a v8 in a engine stand ....

opened the block where the vlaves / rockers are ... painted that black and i want to make actual valves rockers in there , not sure how detailed since the size will be uber small

the weathered res is done to make it look like and old block being rebuild , silver is metal coat so there is no paint because the gaskets sit there

the stand really turns



i have the matching valve covers those will prob. sit on the bench together with other engine parts




Hi Richard,

The bench top lathe is awesome my friend !!

Really impressed with this project, you continue to improve your scratch building with every build !


Posted (edited)

detailing the engine is partially a succes and a fail ... using this chevy 409 from a kit was easy .. but putting in all the detail afterwards proved to be .. hard it should be so small ..

it would have been betetr to scratchbuild a engine block and make sure al the holes where there for the rods and rockers etc ...

so i made steel pins with tiny springs on them .. and made it so it looks like its mostly took apart .. not 100% realistic but not bad either (?)




in the middle i taped of the hole the carb mounts on .. on the pics it lights up to much but its reall tape the yellow tear tape



Edited by crazyrichard

Awesome I have just started building my own simple garage diorama and it is your build that inspired me to try it out


i had a set of casted headers in the partsbox (casted i mean like in real life heavy iron cast) .. they where solid so i drillen them open ....

then put humbrol metal coat on it , a dark grey version .... after 15 minutes i tryed buffing it a bit with a cloth , that brings the metal effect to life .. this is how they turned out .. neir perfect effect ..

now i could let the paint harden and then buf them real good , that would make them more metal like and shiney but thats not the look it needs...

so brand new looking cast headers .. thought of making them used and with browns but i wanted to try this dark metal coat




also working on some smalls like a carb part and a battery

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