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Airfix 4.5 litre Bentley


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Well its out of the spares drawer and put together again. My missus told my boss it was finished and she told her husband so he insisted on seeing it, I told him I was not at all happy with it but he insisted so I fixed it up and showed him, he loved it as did my boss he wants to buy it, I don't know what to charge so have left it to him, he asked how much the kit was and said he will have a think and decide how much. That's fine by me as whatever he pays will go towards another kit.

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Well I am gobsmacked went in to work today and I was expecting Rolf to offer about 50 quid for the Bentley well he must really like it because he asked how much I spent on it and I told him, with the figures and extras about 130 quid and he gave me,,, I can see it in my hand but still don't believe it 260 quid yes that's right 260 then asked was that enough

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